Search Results for "Europe"


Elona The Invicible - PDF

Elona The Invicible
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Carlos)

When a trio of college boys decide to hit the European countryside for an OE filled with assortment of exotic beauties, they find one in particular that shocks them to the core - Elona, a teenage Strongwoman, whom these foolish young men soon realize is not one to be messed with, and to never, ever, doubt her Unreal Strength and Power! - Incredible pics from Carlos on this one!

trio college boys European countryside OE exotic beauties Elona teenage Strongwoman young men Unreal Strength Power Incredible pics Carlos

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Anastasia - PDF

Price: 6.00
(Story: Sonofjack, Artwork: Diego)

Bart was still getting over the heartbreak of his broken marriage with Stella when he met Anastasia on an internet site that matched American men with Eastern European women. His ex-wife was tall, sexy and strong. She was also frigid, unfaithful and abusive. Anastasia was also beautiful and seemed very sweet and kind, so Bart wondered if she was the woman who could finally help him get over losing Stella. If only he could be sure. He decided to take a leap of faith and sent for Anastasia, only to find that she had a surprise for him - a pleasant and very, very BIG surprise! Story by Sonofjack, with Amazing art by Diego!

Bart heartbreak broken marriage Stella Anastasia internet site American men Eastern European women ex-wife tall sexy strong frigid unfaithful abusive beautiful sweet kind leap of faith surprise BIG surprise Sonofjack Diego

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Brat Power - TEXT

Brat Power
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

When 6'8", 310 pound Jake accepted the job as house sitter for a rich couple vacationing in Europe, he figured it would be the easiest ten thousand dollars he'd ever make. All he had to do was make sure that their nineteen year old daughter didn't throw any parties. Then he met Suzanne. She was 5'5", 125 pounds and the most gorgeous girl Jake had ever seen! But when he tried to impose his authority, he discovered that there was something else special about Suzanne. It was his first encounter with Brat Power. It would not be his last...

6'8" 310 pound Jake job house sitter rich couple vacationing Europe easiest ten thousand dollars make make sure nineteen year old daughter throw parties met Suzanne 5'5" 125 pounds gorgeous girl authority discovered something else special Brat Power first encounter last

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Extreme Efficiency (Part 1) - TEXT

Extreme Efficiency (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: DustyBottums)

Tatiana was born into a powerful European family of great wealth, her beauty and grace unmatched, as was her desire for victory in all things! Though as she grew, she became frustrated with her smaller (though extremely fit and feminine) frame when compared to the boys and men around her. Always striving to challenge this stronger sex in anything physical, something she achieved through sheer strength of will; which after a tragic event, also allowed her to rise to even greater financial power (not to mention, becoming a world class martial artist!) Though when she found that a True Power had been discovered, unlike any she could have imagined, Tatiana used all of her unrivalled skills to claim it for herself - even at the cost of her own life!

Tatiana born powerful European family great wealth beauty grace unmatched desire victory grew frustrated smaller fit feminine frame boys men around striving challenge stronger sex physical achieved sheer strength of will tragic event rise greater financial power world class martial artist True Power discovered imagined skills claim cost own life.

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